Saturday, June 28, 2008

|Adventure of Sora's journey(11th day)|

Today is Sunday and i haven do finish all my homework.2molo is monday liao then so sian.I feel like dun wan to go to sch but no choice.Today gt a lot of adventures.Lets tok about the start.Me , Zack , Yong Quan n Leeroy went to AMK Hub to go watch movie(Money no Enough II).Wa sian!...4.15pm then can watch.lets go another one.WA!!!More sian...6.15pm then can watch.We decide to go arcarde to have some fun.Fun finish.We went to Lan and play CS.At serangoon garden de.Not for long,Leeroy go home.Around 6pm the other 3 went home too.RAIN RAIN RAIN.Whole day raining.Use bro's jacket to cover a while.went to 7-eleven buy newspaper for my mum,no more.My mum drive me to Chomp Chomp to buy newspaper.Then we went back home.Headache.Take a pill,eat,then rest awhile.Play Gunz then saw no one on9,no gd maps,keep dc.then go surf webs.Surf Surf Surf then i rmb nid to blog.Chiong coz now 10pm.Commonly 10pm Must go to bed.I dun tink i have anymore things to say liao so i GTG.GTG to learn my np test.Nex Friday is npcc test,scared scared sia.Haiz.So See Ya!....

|Adventure of Sora's journey(10th day)|

Today is sat.Weekdays cannot blog coz too much hw.On yesterday,Kai feng says that maple private server is that nice.I cant wait to dl it and play now.I ask chee hoe to help me dl , he says can.I was so happy.But on today , all the hopes dissapear.Chee hoe says he dunno.Elice , my primary frien , she olso gt play.I was wanting to join hers but still gt kai feng's.Kai feng's cant dl.I ask him and yongru.Yongru says he noe but on my com cannot.Kai feng says he will call me back.After hrs has past,Not even a home call rings.So i decided to join Elice.But she dunno.My com sucks.I dunno.My 4th wish is can onli b granted b4 7/7/08 but now.I dun tink it can b granted.Counting from 2day , 9 more days to my birthday.My heart is now bcome a heart with no feeling...Actually , how mani of my wishes can b granted...
Today Phrase>>>When u tink that this is the end and is a happy ending , then u r wrong , thr always is a sad part and a happy part.The happy part is in thr front and the sad part is always at the back.And so , thr is no happy endings.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

|Sora's wishlist for his this year birthday.|

Wishlist for my this years birthday ...
1. Play station portalble( Psp )
2. Keyblade(keychain de olso can)
3. Jissaw puzzle of one piece , D-grayman or Kingdom hearts I or II
4. Someone help me dl maple?Haha^^ [ GRANTED ]
5. Memory card for my hp
6. Someone help me dl gunz the duel?
7. Go out with friends.
8. Go back to the past
9. Repair my bro Ps2 so that i can play Kingdom hearts II to unlock the truth
10 .Wish there is a primary 6c class last year reunion ASAP
This is my best 10 wishes.I reali want them all granted.
Today Phrase>>>If being a gd guy is hard , then i shall give up on being it and live inside the darkness world.Surrender urself to the darkness.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

|Adventure of Sora's journey(9th day)|

Today is Saturday and it is the competition day of the chn 8 tuesday 8pm show,Ben xiang jian li shi.I came upstair and go in.Wow , the esplande is 97% done.i go in my job is go and throw away the garbage bag.I carry the garbage bag like carrying a bag of present like santa claus.While i bring it down , i saw leeroy.Leeroy go to the side way.It is obvious that he dun wan me to look at him.He is always like tat.Think of other ppl 1st b4 he tink of himself.I went to him and blah blah...Then i gt a crew to join me to throw garbage.We go up we gt nth to do.Mr pei told us to recite the cheer.We anyhow make fun of the cheer.I even teach them how to change the words from chinese ito english.Haha.Now tink of it very funny.Then we go find Ming hong they all.They cutting.Then nth to do we go roll the cut pieces into sushi.We going to use the dark blue pieces to build the sea.Then since more do more sian so i go help eunice in cutting the pieces.Since i cut wrong side then go bac to the original place.Eunice do finish and go sweep the floor.She act like boss and order me to clear away the light blue pieces.I ask put whr she say put table.Table no space she say put on floor.Floor cannot table cannot then put whr.She say roll them up using a loud voice.Act boss.She character is almost the same as Yong quan the asshole.Then i say roll 1 nid 3 min.She sweep nid onli 2 min.So mani she say roll up them.Another asshole.She also say 'Sry la' in a boss voice.cb kia.She is like a girl that everyone nid to obey her.I saw her with phyllis.I feel like help phyllis and get away from her.She slap phyllis and phyllis did nth and act like nth happen.She do watever she think she wana do.Angry liao then spill da xiao jie pi qi.I cant believe that so mani ppl make frien with her.Then at the com period,we nid to sit one row.I m the onli person no place to sit then i have to hold my legs.Then teacher scold me.I hate being scold while i was thinking for other ppl.Beside me is Ivan and Leeroy.I tried to put down my legs on their lag but they keep moving about.I feel like punch them a fist then kick their butt away from this room.The plane puting always gt problem.One of the plane too fast.One plane rotating while flying.Then we sing like kns.The music is like frightneing ppl away.I have a feeling that 60% will lose.We haven seen Kranji sec , our opp , esplande doing.But we ave a 1 min break.I go ake coke and then go toilet.I have been informed hat nid to go Hall for the result.We go to hall and saw that our people is here liao but the mediacorp haven reach.In the end , the result is SGSS=75 marks][Kranji sec=70 marks.Woot we won the match.I starting cant believe that this is happening.Our esplande presentation is so frightening ppl aand still can win the match.Then we go home liao lor.Go home then i feel like i m a bastard.My mother at home and sick n i came home so late.ByeBye liao la.2molo go do hw.Chiong ar
Today phrase>>>There is no person in this world can b better than brother.But i tink thr is no person better than my primary friends.Brotherly love.It is a bunch of nonsence.

Friday, June 20, 2008

|Adventure of Sora's journey(8th day)|

Today is Friday and it is the 3rd last day b4 going to sch.Today is olso the saddest.Sadder than any other days the day.2day morning wake up...blah blah blah.Come to sch , saw Jian hui they all playing basketball.Ivan and Ming hong is seen by my eyes shortly.They say wana go rooftop.I thought they went b4 so i go with them as i was also eager to take the risk.I love risk.In the end,they olso didnt do b4.WTH!So i go up 1st.To the multi purpose room.But when i go in , everything doesnt fit to the situation i wan.So lonely at a corner.So i go down again to c ivan they all.The girls came to sch too.We boys lie on the bench to rest.The saddest part is still behind.Chang Hua Duan Shuo...lets go to the saddest part.Soon Leeroy and Yong quan is here.I put my handphone on my pocket on my back.Leeroy and Yong quan trap me at a corner and push me.My handphone on my back the screen is broken and is 95% cannot c liao.All my happiness and hope on upgrading it is now dissapeared.And i didnt cry.It not my face in tears.Is my heart.I now thought that Leeroy is always my brother.I was wrong.I soon dissapointly walk away from them without they noeing.I now noe that tearing in heart is more sadder than in face.But i cant let my tears out as man should onli let blood and not tears.Around 6 or 7+ , I actually let my tears out.I cant stand it le.I argued with Yong quan in the mid.I walk out and sat at the bridge.To c the sunset view.And wanted to see if the legend is true and the thing i wanted.The legend says that thr is a ghost at the bridge.As thr isnt a person saw a ghost b4.I want to b the 1st person hu saw a real ghost.I didnt c a ghost but the sunset view is beautiful.Then i set my mind.I wanted to bring the relationship beteween yong quan and me.Forever and ever.Never back to the past.The reason is simple.He never tink he is wrong and always correct.He olso gt help in breaking my hp and keep deny .Then he say sry is saying that i m in the wrong.I hate this attitude.Thinking me to forgive him,NO WAY.Even though i forgive him he will still use the attitude.If he olso change his attitude,i still wont forgive him as he will use his attitude.He is onli suitable with one word.Stubborn.I still thinking how 2 explain to my parents.2day no time to explain.So i change to 2molo night.At night liao,they girls scared of ghost.So i act ghost to scared them.Bearing the pain scaring them is like acting nth happen.No matter how i glue it,the crack is always thr and that is cannot make it up.Yue shuo yue tong.Bye Bye
Today Phrase>>>The item u wish u want to had,u will either have it or not.But if u have it,u will nid to pay the same or higher price than tat item

Thursday, June 19, 2008

|Adventure of Sora's journey(7th day)|

Today is Thursday and today no nid to go sch.=(.But nid to do homework.So nid to day off.I have actually no interest in doing homework but i left no time to live...i mean do homework^^.Afternoon wake up.12.30pm.1st thing wake up go on computer.Feeling hungry go down and look for lunch.Eat liao come up dunno wat to do.Coz i 4pm gt tutionShould i wait or shld or shld i play com 1st?So i decided to go to yahoo to try my luck to find the cheapest psp in singapore.No luck for today.I olso nid to upgrade for my lappy.Oops too late.Nid to go tution.After tution , feeling hungry go to eat potato chip.I olso have no idea how to upgrade my blog so i started asking for bro.2nd bro for help.Today onli can upgrade my screensaver.Have do theme.He say his frien will come to help me coz he dunno how to do.So now my screensaver change to kh2 de.Now still doing homework.Still gt so much.Arhhh!!!...Now i go eat ice-cream to kick off the stress.Then see still nid to do wat.ByeBye...I still waiting for someone to on9 msn.Coz the person say chat today so i will wait till she on9.
Phrase of Today>>>Let Bygones Be Bygones.Meaning=Let the past be the past.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

|Adventure of Sra's journey(6th day)|

Today is Wednesday,onemore boring day.When I 1st step in to MPR(muli purpose room),I feel hotter than the fresh air outside.Actually they didnt on the air-con.They say no air-con no working.Blah,blah~~~.Soon,Mr Pei brought his daughter to our working place.She is so small and so cute.Eyes so big.When she came in and saw Sheena,she cried.Haha...She scared of Sheena.Mr pei give me a duty.Do the Esplanade outside the garden.He say use anything but i onli use satay sticks,sisscors and tape.The garden is a trapezium.So i ask a senior to help me on the angles.Since my friends also tell me to cut the cups.Then i go change job.I onli cut the top part of the cups.the other parts i give to them to settle it themselves.They nid to cut 300 but we very fast settle it liao.At around 3+,we put lights under the esplande so it will look like the esplande light up.But we dun have the colour that we want.Then we 'bo cap' keep use it.Sian la.2molo dun have camp at sch.If gt i bet it will b interesting than anything.At the end of the day , I ask teacher if he can give me some of the steel.He agree.Then we go out.I was thinking that they will go to the coffee shop again but today not going.They going home so i of course go home la.But come back home with abody full of scatches and scars.scatch by the metal wire.From today onwards , i mean from this post onward , I will say one of a phrase that i like in my heart.
Today phrase>>>Whatever I wish to to be happened , it will nv appear in my real life.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

|Adventure of Sora's journey(5th day)|

Today is Tuesday and is the saddest and the most unlucky day in my secondary sch.I dun wan to say.Just one sentence.'This afternoon is the most fucking afternoon I ever had'.But after 3.30pm,everything changed.Now to think of it,my sec 1 frien sucks but not leeroy.All my senior friends is so gd lor.Now i noe y seniors dun like sec 1 liao.Sec 1 except for me n leeroy,is fucking noisy lor.They didnt even tried to pt in their very best in this competition.Onli me(sec 1)and the senior friends is working.Of course with teacher la.Today darm sian.I have to b act sleeping as the are filming.Suay...Come back home my all parts ache.Then when i come back from sch,on the way,I was thinking.Isit my sec 1 friends is just acting to be frien with me or i m over-suspicious?All friendships are just very fake.I cant tell whether is real or fake but i have a feeling that tells me 'I m trapped in the dark'.Now in here,I swear to god,wherever Chong Yong Quan go to whr , I will not follow.Thr is a reason behind.Gtg...2molo still nid to go sch help in Esplande and new post will sure out.Slp to recover energy.

Monday, June 16, 2008

|Adventure of Sora's journey(4th day)|

Today is Monday and it is a 'mang' day(busy day).Morning wake up , my senior come and ask me to go to sch to do work.For the Esplande.Which we commonly say is durian head.11pm le , chiong to sch.When i reached sch , i didnt even see my friends lor.Went to MPR , not a shadow of my friends.But got my senior friends.As usual , 'xiao kelvin' this name pop out from my ears again.Now my mind gt another name.'Jian hui'.You >Jianhui<.That's wat she says.Then the 1st job i have to do is to MOP THE FLOOR?!I use a cloth and a brush to mop.I feel myself a maid,male maid.But i quickly think of ideas to get rid of this job.I have my ideas.Nex i help them crush papers,magazines into balls to put in so the esplande will b round.Break time liao.I found out that the chairs place gt a set of poker cards.Then we started to play with it.In the mid of the game,another senior open songs , put at the microphone.So that the song will b heard by everyone.All is fast songs de le.Suddenly i feel like myself at disco.Haha^^.In playing poker game , i tink i m the person hu trash the players the most sia.Tat is the time which i love the most lor.At around 3.30pm i tink,our npcc mdm come in.OMG.Then i go help Jian Hui tear paper and crush.We 2 like shen jing bing liao.We tear then anyhow throw.We olso have free sweetss and tibits to eat.Erm...can say is just me.Haha^^.At the end.I mean around 4.25pm,Mr Pei,our teacher,tell us that we might nid to re-built another esplande.Some ppl say the other sch got olso do merlion lightbult and so on.Haiz.Sry for the last 2 days dun have blog coz i dun have enuf time to post.So...ByeBye liao.2molo still gt filming to do.So sian...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

|Adventure of Sora's journey(3rd day)|

Today is Saturday and it is a free day.Morning wake up 'on' computer.Dunno wat to do.So i started to play gunz.Suddenly , my heart is alive again.Why??Coz i saw there gt an event for gunz.This is the 1st time i played an event in gunz.Saw alot of different events.WOW!I go play quest in Gunz.I gt alot of ice creams.1st i thought is weapon.Then i knew that it is onli just a medical kit.Then sian liao lor.Go play stairway.Keep playing.Then i didnt noticed that i got [52 kills and 12 death]onli le.that was SO PRO.Then getting more sian.Log out liao.Talk to Jana lim,a computer expect.she actually help me put songs into this blog.But she wan me to speak out 10 reason that why muz she help me.i said 10 stupid rubbish.She actually believe.But i still owned her 2 favours.Lol , right?Then go tution.Get scolding.Tio nag till siao liao.Then 6pm go outside eat.Now this time i stubbon.I want to eat my favourite japanese food.My mum keep introducing food to me but i reply say 'Bo cap , ri ben can.'Haha..then she give up liao.We olso go everywhere to look for cheapest psp.Coz i wana buy a psp.But my mum gona buy me for my 13th 1st wish is gonna fufiled.Then come back liao.Do nth.Off com.Haha^^.Bye Bye liao la.I noe 2day is short.So u have to keep reading my blog to watch the latest news.Last thing to say that is.Whatever i really want , I will not give up till the last second.
Reminder:My birthday is at 7/7/2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

|Adventure of Sora's journey(2nd day)|

Today is Friday and is NPCC master parade day.OMMM(oh my ma ma).We today olso have a mini competition.We have 2 sirs , Alan sir and Alvin sir , so we seperate to 2 different group of the 2 sirs.Which means Alvin one group , Alan one group.I was unlucky to be chosen to Alvin sir group.Our competition is bout coperative and listen to the commands properly.We onli do the marching competition which is easier.So our team go 1st.Starting i was distracted by Alvin sir and i didnt hear Mdm saying command.Darm embarrased.So again.To me i tink is excellent but i dun tink the judges tink so.I have no confident.Winner win prize , loser forfeit.Haiz...Die liao.Then our team look at Alan sir team.I almost die.Noe why?Coz they march until very fast and cant coperate.All the arms is different time up de.Like thousand hands buddha.Hahahahaha...Suddenly gt confident liao.Then my leg pain pain liao.Tired tired liao.almost fall.Then i look down gt ants.I was distracted and sir saw me and wake me up from the distraction.I bet u wana noe who is the winner bout the mini competition.So wat do u noe, i tell u in the end.We go out and eat french fries.Poor me.Save money till siao.Then we go back for record challenge competition prepation.Haiz again the seniors called me xiao kelvin again.Why am i so unlucky?!Back to here.So i made friends with them.Now 2 new names is in my head.Si min and Sheena.Girls of coz but dun worry , i wont fall in love with them even though they are pretty.At almost 4pm , my friends i mean my age friends go out and say dun wana do liao.HUH?!Stunned*.Then our leader complain.After few minutes , our leader say we go put off our 'fire'.So they go playground , I of coz follow along.But soon 4.29 liao.Never noticed.CHIONG back sch.lucky still at 4.29pm.Coz they say 4.30pm muz come back.Haha.i was early 5 head is on a pool of sweat ar.When i come back to the room , names of xiao kelvin is out.I didnt noe i was that famous.Mayb i was handsome.Very fast 5pm liao.Go home but my wish is not fufiled yet.My friends pulled and dragged me to the playground and play again.WTF.But we played very happy.If the time always stays at thr , that would b nice.I still have free pepsi to drink le.I muz b reali too handsome.Haha.Until 6.30pm then they release me.Haiz.Gone home darm pain and tired.Alan sir.....lose.That means we won the mini competition.We get 100+ drink.haha onli...2molo chiong hw.Coz scared no time.Bye Bye...Mayb 2molo will have posts.Rmb to come here for more interesting adventures of my daily life

Thursday, June 12, 2008

|Adventure of Sora's journey(1st day)|

Today is thursday is also another tiring day.Today at multi purpose room , 2 ppl make me si bei angry who are Yong quan n kai ling.Of course is 1 girl 1 boy la.Yong quan used his excuses again.He today shld give me back the question ws of maths i lend him but he say 'Orh I forgotten'.If he isnt my frien , i would have changed his face to panda face liao lor.Next is kai ling,a no remoseful girl.Today she use paints to colour my shirt , then i not shuang la.Then i olso colour her shirt.I go toilet clean up came back , she use her whole hand of paints smack on my shirt and say it is revenge.When I leave the room , i mumbled 'She's a chi go bei'.Then i tink , we shld let bygones be bygones so i forgive her.Then the incident after , i felt happy.My job at multi purpose room is actually paints the thorns of the espanade but they say i switch job to spread the painted thorns on the board.First i thought is tough but after i tink of it , I was lucky.The painting still gt a mountain of thorns waiting for them to complete.Lucky Lucky.Then i keep disturbing my friends.Muahahahaha...Then the leader say 'If u come to disturbed us again , I kill u ar'.Then i dun come back again liao.Then i go back , my 'team' keep calling me xiao Kelvin.Sian.Coz i look like Kelvin Sim , their frien who i dunno.Then olso one girl keep calling me 'u very cute le'.wa lao er...5pm liao,release liao.Go wash hands.Then darm unlucky lor.i put my water bottle on the top of the wall then one teacher come and scold me.Ki siao er.Then we go to the nearest playground haha everytime go le.Arh.Forgot to say hu is the 'we'.it is leeroy,yong quan and me .Then leeroy found out that the playground is for children who are under 12 years old then can play.We dun care.Keep play.In the mid,we saw 2 girls , phyllis and eunice,doing homework.They say olso wana join us.We played 'Bling mice'.Here is our rules,when the catcher say 'FREEZE!!!' then other nid to b freeze means dun move.Then if the catcher saw ppl on the ground then he/she b catcher lor.Eunice is the girl who always easy injured so she very fast injured.Then cannot play but keep disturbed the catcher.Then i lucky lor,the catcher is nearing me le,about 5cm and yet he cant catch me,I take the oppotunnity and run fast.I laugh almost jaw out.The 2girls is olso easy scared the , so the catcher say Freeze!! They sure screamed the.last thing b4 i go.At multi purpose room , Phyllis kick me leg , then i suddenly a picture of teresa law appeared in my mind.Gtg liao.2molo still gt npcc.I will sure tell u the whole adventure of 2molo.Bye Bye.....

.A Welcome Note

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  • June 2008
  • Zhou Da XIa 周大侠 (FULL CD Version) - Jay Chou Jiu Lun

